These classes are a starting place for the over 5′s or a progressive step on from our pre-school/non swimmers classes. Our warm teaching pools offer a perfect environment for our beginners to learn introductory swimming skills and water safety skills. These classes focus initially on body position and progressing to propulsion and streamlining with aquatic breathing. All classes incorporate a range of aquatic skills to develop confidence and waterman-ship.
Ely Aqua’s classes have a maximum of 3/4 swimmers per teacher which allows us to tailor to each swimmers individual needs. Your child will be placed in a similar based ability group and will advance at their own pace through our scheme as they acquire new skills and reach the criteria for each level.
These lessons are offered at Lilac Pool Eastmoor, The Old Gym Downham Market, The Empress Pool Chatteris and a private pool in Haddenham
Ely Aqua’s classes have a maximum of 3/4 swimmers per teacher which allows us to tailor to each swimmers individual needs. Your child will be placed in a similar based ability group and will advance at their own pace through our scheme as they acquire new skills and reach the criteria for each level.
These lessons are offered at Little Thetford, Nr Ely, Chatteris and Swavesey.
Our new 11 week term commences week beginning January 9th 2017
Aqua 1
- Enter the water safely using a seated swivel entry or the use of steps/ladder
- Move confidently around the pool for a distance of 5m forwards/backwards & sideways in a class orientated game
- Submerge the face with confidence and blow bubbles
- Achieve a calm and relaxed star float on the back. Body position aligned with the surface of the water and regain an upright body position
- Kick 5m on the back using an alternating action (a float or woggle may be used)
- Kick 5m on the front using and alternating leg action (a float or woggle may be used)
- Swim 5m front paddle using an alternating leg action
- Attempt a simultaneous breaststroke leg action for 2m on the back with a woggle
- Travel 5m using a circular breaststroke arm action
- Exit the pool safely without assistance

Aqua 2

- Jump into the water safely, turn around and return to the side
- With a float or woggle travel 10m with face in the water, nose and mouth submerged and blow bubbles breathing to the side
- Forward push and glide with face in the water, body streamlined
- Push and glide on the back, arms by side, body streamlined
- Achieve a calm and relaxed star float on the front for 5 seconds and regain an upright body position
- Travel on the front for 5m unaided
- Travel on the back for 5m unaided (arms can remain by side)
- Kick 5m breaststroke leg action on the back supported with a woggle Push the water away with feet turned out
- Scull headfirst across the pool with a gentle alternating kick – woggle may be used
- Climb out of the pool without the use of the steps
Aqua 3
- Jump into the water and fully submerge
- Answer two water safety questions
- With a float kick 10m performing rhythmically breathing to the side
- Travel on the back and roll, in one continuous movement, onto the front
- Travel on the front and roll, in one continuous movement, onto the back
- Perform a float on the back, tuck, rotate to the front and finish in an upright position
- Travel front crawl for 10m unaided
- Travel backstroke for 10m unaided
- Kick 5m breaststroke leg action on the front using a float or woggle – feet must turn out
- Tread water in a upright (vertical) position using one of the recognised leg actions and sculling of the hands (a woggle may be used)
- Attempt a dolphin leg action on the back with a woggle
- Fully submerge to pick up an object